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'Hey Santa': Boy reacts excitedly as he views Santa from hospital window

Cade Howell, 2, waves at Santa from his room at Charleston Area Medical Center Women and Children's Hospital. (Photos Courtesy of Brooke Howell)
Cade Howell, 2, waves at Santa from his room at Charleston Area Medical Center Women and Children's Hospital. (Photos Courtesy of Brooke Howell)
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CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WCHS) – A young patient in West Virginia recently got an adorable holiday surprise.

As sirens wailed below, Santa was hoisted in the bucket of a fire truck so children who are patients at Charleston Area Medical Center Women and Children’s Hospital could get a closer glimpse of the jolly, old man in the red suit.

One boy – clad in Santa pajamas nonetheless – excitedly pressed his face against the hospital window.

“Look, Santa is waving at you,” said Brooke Howell, as her son, Cade Howell, 2, took in all of the excitement below.

All of the ruckus outside of the hospital Saturday was the annual Lights of Love conducted by area first responders. They couldn’t deliver presents to children at the hospital in person because of the pandemic, so they had a parade of emergency vehicles around the hospital. Santa was hoisted on the bucket of a fire truck so kids would get a warm pre-Christmas greeting.

The boy’s mother made sure the exciting moments were recorded as she shot a Facebook live as Cade watched Santa.

At one point, Cade made sure Santa knew what he wanted: "Me, bike!"

Cade, the son of Cody and Brooke Howell of Gallagher, was admitted as a patient at Women and Children’s Hospital on Friday when he was having respiratory issues.

Fortunately, he has been released from the hospital and got to go home on Monday. His mother said he is doing much better.

There is a major holiday bonus – he was able to enjoy an early visit from Santa that he and his family will never forget.

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