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Where's Santa? NORAD tracks the man in red as he delivers toys all over the globe

A screenshot of Santa in his sleigh on his way to deliver presents across the world on Christmas Eve. (Courtesy: NORAD){ }
A screenshot of Santa in his sleigh on his way to deliver presents across the world on Christmas Eve. (Courtesy: NORAD)
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He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake. But do you know where he is?

It's time to track Santa in his sleigh as he makes his journey to deliver toys and other gifts to children and families around the globe. You can follow along with Santa thanks to the North American Aerospace Defense Command or NORAD, which tracks Santa's progress every year.

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This is the 68th year NORAD is tracking Santa, powered by NORAD's 1,500 volunteers on the Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs.

You can view NORAD's Santa Tracker here.

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