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Testing the scary at one of 'nation's scariest haunted house': Utah's own Nightmare on 13th

Actors embody creatures from the darkest depths of the imagination at Salt Lake City's Nightmare on 13th during the 2023 Halloween Season (Photo{ }: Gabriel Misla, KUTV)
Actors embody creatures from the darkest depths of the imagination at Salt Lake City's Nightmare on 13th during the 2023 Halloween Season (Photo: Gabriel Misla, KUTV)
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Nightmare on 13th is known as one of the nation’s scariest haunts and KUTV'S Kristen Kenney bravely puts it to the test.

The cast and crew of this renowned Utah haunt aim to give patrons more than just good a scream.

Testing the scary at one of 'nation's scariest haunted house': Utah's own Nightmare on 13th (KUTV)

I’ve made three people pee their pants,” sid actor Evie Komar.

That’s a win, said actor Allison Tardif.

“If someone pees a little bit, it’s like, that’s money.”

There are no limits when it comes to a good scare, she added.

“We had someone go into labor one year," Tardif said.

Kenney, at seven months pregnant, put it to the test.

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