Pothole problems continuing across Nashville, TDOT aware of issues (PHOTO: FOX 17 News Nashville File Photo)
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — For weeks now, FOX 17 News has tracked pothole problems. Monday, Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) released an updated list of lane closures as crews work to patch and repave.
However, drivers like Matthew Evans said they’ll believe it when they see it.
“This is the worst I’ve seen it in my 18 years I’ve been here,” Evans exclaimed.
Evans tweeted his flat tire photos to Nashville Mayor John Cooper hoping to get a response.
“I hit a pothole on I-40 east which is practically undriveable at this time. I broke my wheel the first time.”
Two weeks later, potholes got him again, costing Evans hundreds of dollars in repairs.
Now drivers heading Eastbound, ahead of the I-40/65 split, before the Rosa Parks exit, are reporting multiple flats on a daily basis.
FOX 17 News’ Erika Glover asked TDOT leaders if they were aware of this particular situation.
“Thanks to you for bringing it at least to my attention, I’ve made sure to get back to our maintenance staff,” responded TDOT's Rebekah Hammonds.
Hammonds said emergency pothole repaving and patching is happening in these multiple locations.
“There are so many locations that come up,” said Hammonds. “Even today we had to switch gears and do an emergency patch.”
Glover explained how some drivers wonder if their complaints are being heard.
“We promise something will happen it just may not be as quick as you would hope or expect it to happen.”
For more information regarding this week’s TDOT road closures, visit here.
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