The owners of a popular North Carolina event venue are opening up after a fire destroyed their home Saturday, Oct. 22.For nearly six hours that night, firefight
ASHEVILLE, N. C. (WLOS) — A tree climber with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is being called a “superhero” after rescuing a bear cub Wednesday afternoon. Caption: Bear cub rescued after getting paw stuck between tree trunk and branch...
ASHEVILLE, N. C. (WLOS) — An Asheville woman's clash with North Carolina's Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to keep her custom license plate might be stalled. Karly Sindy's license plate was on her truck for Sunday’s event, but her effort...
WEAVERVILLE, N. C. (WLOS) – It is second only to dogs as the oldest working relationship between humans and animals. Caption: Passed down for generations, the art of falconry continues in North Carolina (WLOS) From its ancient beginnings in the...
ASHEVILLE, N. C. (WLOS) — An 8-month old kitten named Duncan, who was born with severely twisted back legs, is purring after a double leg surgery gave him the promise of a better life. Caption: Twisty-legged...