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Girl, 10, reacts to DNA test results for Santa Claus, reindeer

Scarlett Doumato tells WJAR she will gather more evidence next year to send to authorities to test for Santa Claus and the reindeer. (WJAR){ }
Scarlett Doumato tells WJAR she will gather more evidence next year to send to authorities to test for Santa Claus and the reindeer. (WJAR)
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A 10-year-old in Rhode Island is on a mission to see if Santa Claus is real.

WJAR's Molly Levine speaks with a Rhode Island girl on her mission to see if Santa Claus is real. (WJAR)

The Cumberland Police Department and the Rhode Island Department of Health are digging deeper for the girl.

Police posted to Facebook that they're still actively investigating but a person of interest responded to headquarters this week.

That was cool how they actually saw him," said Scarlett Doumato, who is hoping to get to the bottom of it.

This comes after Scarlett sent a letter to Cumberland police requesting a DNA test on a sample of a cookie and carrots she left for Santa Claus and the reindeer.

Police put together an evidence packet and sent it to the State Forensic Unit for testing. The health department said the case was prioritized and the forensic biology lab worked on the DNA analysis of the cookies. Unfortunately, authorities said it didn't match anyone in the Combined DNA Index System.

While partially eaten carrots found the presence of DNA matching a reindeer, the department said more DNA samples from other known Santa encounters would be needed to make a more definitive match.

Scarlett is already on it for next year.

They said that they might need more evidence, so I was going to take like a cotton swab and swab like the milk where he drank it and swab my parents mouths just to make sure and send it in," she said.
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