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A brush with nature: Behemoth shark swims by group, caught on drone video

The hammerhead turns. Now, it shows off its massive dorsal fin and size.{ }(Video credit: Evan Parness)
The hammerhead turns. Now, it shows off its massive dorsal fin and size.(Video credit: Evan Parness)
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Striking footage shows the moment a massive great hammerhead shark approached a group beachgoers in Palm Beach.

As the beast slowly swam towards the eight people -- only feet from the shoreline -- it did not shy away. The hammerhead made a 90-degree turn directly in front of them, piercing the water with its dorsal fin and boasting its enormous size.


The videographer, Evan Parness, posted the fascinating encounter on Instagram. Luckily, he had a drone in the air at the time, he said.

As the shark turned in front of the eight people, they did not frantically retreat or panic but watched with awe.

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The 14 footer drifted away in peace, and two members of the group took a few steps away.

Because it was a great hammerhead shark, he knew the odds of an attack happening were slim to none, Parness said in his post.

"While sharks have a bad reputation & people demonize them, this video is just more proof that we’re not on their menu & they really don’t want anything to do with us," Parness's post said. "This shark could’ve easily killed someone if it wanted to."

It was a moment he'll never forget.

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