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In loving memory: 'Redneck, SOB' father remembered as daughter roasts him in obituary

Kenneth Pluhar died “at the age of 62, after 50 years of crap-starting with everyone and everything he could find to fight,” according to his daughter in this obituary, March 10, 2023. (legacy,com)
Kenneth Pluhar died “at the age of 62, after 50 years of crap-starting with everyone and everything he could find to fight,” according to his daughter in this obituary, March 10, 2023. (legacy,com)
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A well-written obituary can make a reader feel as though they knew the recently departed.

It can also let readers compare memories and maybe even remind them of a similar person.

That’s what one woman managed to do when she lost her father near St. Louis.

She said Kenneth Pluhar died “at the age of 62, after 50 years of crap-starting with everyone and everything he could find to fight.”

“This hard as nails, redneck, SOB finally found something meaner and more stubborn than himself,” meaning the sepsis that took his life.

“Like any good card-carrying, ray ban-wearing, camo coverall lovin' redneck, Kenne had 3 true loves: hunting, fishing, and drinking. He liked ‘both kinds of music - country AND western.’

“Like every sad cowboy song, he couldn't stay married, but that didn't keep him from trying. Again. And again. He had a total of 4 legal marriages (and divorces) and one common law marriage under his belt - that we know of. His first marriage, to Tara (Gomez) Berry, produced his one and only child (again, that we know of), Halliea Milner, of whom he was extremely proud, mostly because she is almost as big of a pain in the ass as he was, and she kept the pain-in-the-ass line going by giving him his only grandchild.”

There’s more where that came from. A lot more. Just click here.

A party to celebrate his life will be held Friday, March 24.

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