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Pepsi inventor honored on 153rd birthday

Pharmacist Caleb Bradham created the sweet drink, and the Birthplace of Pepsi store in downtown New Bern honored his birthday with 5 cent Pepsi's. (Allen Fairbanks, WCTI)
Pharmacist Caleb Bradham created the sweet drink, and the Birthplace of Pepsi store in downtown New Bern honored his birthday with 5 cent Pepsi's. (Allen Fairbanks, WCTI)
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NEW BERN, Craven County (WCTI) — The man who invented Pepsi in New Bern was born 153 years ago today.

Pharmacist Caleb Bradham created the sweet drink, and the Birthplace of Pepsi store in downtown New Bern honored his birthday with 5 cent Pepsis on Wednesday.

Store employee Philip Buffa dressed up as Bradham to mark the occasion. Buffa said the celebration looked a bit different this year; there was no birthday cake due to coronavirus concerns.

People are out and about; they are doing their social distancing, so we have chairs apart and all that, and people come in and they want to know the history of the town, the history of Pepsi," Buffa explained. "It's a good thing.

Bradham first served Pepsi - then known as Brad's Drink - back in 1893.

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