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County in Washington state providing beer, cigarettes to keep addicts in quarantine

King County officials are giving addicts beer, cigarettes - and until recently marijuana - so they won't leave a recovery center. | Photo: KOMO News{p}{/p}
King County officials are giving addicts beer, cigarettes - and until recently marijuana - so they won't leave a recovery center. | Photo: KOMO News

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KING COUNTY, Wash. (KOMO) — Convincing potential COVID-19 patients to stay in quarantine is taking a controversial turn in Shoreline, Washington.

King County officials are giving addicts beer, cigarettes - and until recently marijuana - so they won't leave a recovery center. | Video: KOMO

King County officials are giving addicts beer, cigarettes - and until recently marijuana - so they won't leave a recovery center.

Officials with the Department of Human and Community Services call it harm reduction and point out no tax payer money is being used.

Some neighbors said it makes sense. Others called it a big mistake.

he Shoreline facility is set up for people suspected of having COVID-19 but who can't quarantine at home, or they don't have a home. Some also have addictions and threaten to leave when physical withdrawals begin.

To convince them to stay put, county officials are giving them cigarettes, beer and up until a week ago marijuana edibles.

King County officials are giving addicts beer, cigarettes - and until recently marijuana - so they won't leave a recovery center. | Photo: KOMO News

“I'm all for helping anybody with the COVID. I'm not sure about doling out marijuana and cigarettes and beer,” said Brian Sorensen, who lives across the street from the recovery center.

County officials stopped offering pot because they said it doesn't create the same debilitating detox effects as alcohol and nicotine.

However, they said they'll keep providing beer and cigarettes because it's more dangerous to have potentially sick addicts leave quarantine and wander the neighborhood.

“Keeping everyone safe, public health, the general health of all is a priority and so this is informed by that. it seems like a good idea," said Elise Murowchick, another neighbor.

Health officials said the amount of beer is limited and nicotine patches are offered first. The beer and cigarettes that are purchased are covered out of pocket by a county department head, but other private funding is being arranged.

“I just don't understand the logic behind it,” said Zac M., who lives nearby. “There's so many other things that he could be putting his money towards."

King County officials are giving addicts beer, cigarettes - and until recently marijuana - so they won't leave a recovery center. | Photo: KOMO News

“If you don't deal with the alcohol addictions, you're not dealing with the health crisis,” said Allen Alston, who lives in the area.

Ten people were staying at the Shoreline facility as of Wednesday night. County officials said two are currently involved in this harm reduction assistance.

King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski, whose district includes Shoreline, released a statement:

“No taxpayer funds should be used for the acquisition and/or distribution of recreational marijuana, alcohol or tobacco at these emergency medical facilities. This field hospital has been a great success story in our nation-leading response to the COVID-19 crisis, with rapid deployment and incredible community support while providing the necessary medical care for those quarantined there. We can’t lose the trust and confidence of our community in this work.”

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