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WATCH: The National Zoo's panda cub is a BOY, and papa panda helped with the gender reveal

Tian Tian and Mei Xiang's giant panda cub rests at the Smithsonian National Zoo a few weeks after being born. (Image: The National Zoo){p}{/p}
Tian Tian and Mei Xiang's giant panda cub rests at the Smithsonian National Zoo a few weeks after being born. (Image: The National Zoo)

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WASHINGTON (WJLA) — On Monday morning,The Smithsonian’s National Zoo confirmed the 6-week-old giant panda cub is a male.

Outwardly, male and female cubs appear similar at birth, so a genetic test was the most accurate way to determine the cub’s sex.

The National Zoo's video to reveal Mei Xiang's cub's gender. (National Zoo)

Scientists determined that the swab sample taken by the Zoo’s veterinarians has both sequences present—confirming that the cub is male. This cub isMei Xiang's third male cub, according to the National Zoo.

A painting created by male giant panda Tian Tian, the cub’s father, was used to reveal the sex of the cub to giant panda keepers and fans online.

You can watch the zoo's gender reveal video above.

This October 5, 2020 file photo shows a painting that Tian Tian made. It was used to reveal the gender of the panda cub Mei Xiang gave birth to about six weeks ago. (Image: National Zoo)

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